Tsum Valley Trek (Manaslu)Tsum Valley Trek (Manaslu)

Tsum Valley Trek (Manaslu)

  • Duration12 Days
  • Destination Nepal
  • Difficulty Level Strenuous

Tsum Valley Trek explores one of the most remote valleys in the Himalayas often referred to as the hidden gem by the explorers. One of the sacred hidden valleys of Buddhism, Tsum valley is home to several ancient monasteries and remote villages untouched by the ills of development, spectacular geography, culturally fascinating areas or settlements and ancient caves. Open to trekkers and explorers since 2008, Tsum valley remains untouched and very well preserves the culture and other heritages of indigenous Tsumba group. Tsum Valley Trek, therefore, provides you the opportunity to traverse through this secluded valley overshadowed by lofty Ganesh Himal that is blessed with stunning scenery, beautiful and lush rhododendron and pine forests, small villages with Hindu and Buddhist religious community coexisting peacefully, and quaint, serene trails.

Tsum Valley Trek, considered an equally attractive destination to the Annapurna region trek begins from the exploration of the historical capital city of Kathmandu and heads to Arughat, the village at the bank of Budi Gandaki River. Following this mighty river upstream, we shall trek through ups and downs of the trail, dense forests with varieties of wildlife, flora and faunas, terraced fields and hillside villages. Past some Hindu temples and Buddhist chortens, cool waterfalls, scenic landscape and views of snowcapped Himalayas, natural hot springs we trek through Arkhet Bazaar, Jagat, Philim, Ekle Bhatti and others we enter into the hidden valley of Tsum. Turning away from the main Manslu trail we get a different aura of this secluded valley. Ahead through the alpine vegetations and forest, glacial rivers and ancient monasteries such as Mu Gompa, Rachen Gompa and Dephyudonma Gompa, ancient Milerepa Cave, we traverse the region inhabited by strong, friendly and hospitable locals with Buddhist culture. The raw wilderness and pristine areas of the valley provides you the reminiscence of paradise. Exploring this wonderful valley of the central Nepal, we retrace our steps on the same trail to Arughat and to Kathmandu, thereby wrapping up the Tsum Valley Trek, an interesting and enriching adventure. 

Tsum Valley Trek is a moderately strenuous trek in the remote valley which requires you to have an average of 6-7 hours of trek in the hilly terrain and high altitude. Get prepared with strong willpower, good physical fitness and endurance to continue on harsh conditions if you encounter such conditions during the trek. The months of September to November, March to May are regarded as the best seasons for trekking to this marvelous landscape. Join us for hassle-free Tsum Valley Trek trek in the Tsum valley accompanied by experienced and trained guides, carefully planned itinerary and quality service. 

Trip Itinerary

    The journey into the beautiful hidden gem of Tsum valley begins as you land at the Tribhuwan International Airport in Kathmandu. After you complete the formalities in the customs, you shall be greeted by our representative and then escorted to hotel for your stay. Get refreshed and relaxed in the hotel and later in the afternoon you may stroll around the streets of Thamel. Enjoy the authentic cuisine and hospitality in the hotel and prepare yourself for the sightseeing tomorrow. Stay overnight in Kathmandu.


       Today we shall explore the heritages of ancient, historical and religious prominence that this medieval city of Kathmandu boasts of. From the ancient Buddhist stupa of Swayambhunath or the Monkey Temple famous for being a self sprout pilgrimage and Boudhanath stupa, one of the biggest stupas in the world to the Hindu sacred pilgrimage of Pashupatinath Temple at the bank of holy Bagmati River, you can very well experience the cultural heritages of Nepal. The exploration of big royal complexes of Durbar Squares in Kathmandu takes pride in the historical royal palaces, unique temples, beautiful yet intricate carvings, monuments and other heritages. This visit shall allow you to make time travel to the medieval era. After the insightful guided sightseeing, you shall have the interaction with the trekking guide for the preparation of adventure to the hidden valley of Manaslu region. Clarify your doubts if any during this interaction. Stay overnight in Kathmandu.


         Today on we are off to explore the adventurous Tsum valley for our trekking expedition. In today’s drive of about 7-8 hours we shall drive through the lush hillside accompanied by the torrential Trishuli River (famous for rafting) and Akhu River (a glacial river from Ganesh Himal), rural and beautiful settlements and the town of Dhading Besi, the district headquarter of Dhading district till which the road is nice. After this beautiful hill town we shall then drive on a gravel road viewing the greenery of hills, to Arughat, our trek start point which straddles the Budhi Gandaki River. Today we shall take rest in this pleasant market town and prepare for adventurous walk in the Manaslu region. Stay overnight in Arughat.


           In the initial trek in the Manaslu valley, today we shall trek to the Soti Khola as the destination for overnight stay. You shall trek through the Gurung and Magar villages if you trek avoiding the jeep for this trek and walk on the scenic upper road. In addition to that, you shall also explore the terraced cultivation areas with rice, maize and millet, forests with monkeys jumping across trees, and walk along the stone paved streets past the hydroelectricity power plants and settlements of Mangaltar and Shanti Bazaar. Further on, the trail becomes prettier, wilder and steeper as we cross the Arkhet River on a suspension bridge and traverse through the market of Arkhet Bazaar. We then climb to the settlement of Kuerepani past the long steep slog up a ridge after which the trail descends to river and the destination of Soti Khola. Stay overnight in Soti Khola.


             Trekking through the increasingly prettier landscape, we shall today trek for Machha Khola. Following the Budhi Gandaki upstream, we shall initially climb up onto the ridge above the Budhi Gandaki River across bridge and through the forest with Sal, Chilaune and other local vegetations. Ahead in the trail, the path is rocky that goes up and down through forests, villages and terraced farmlands, pretty waterfalls and streams, green valleys and through the side of the cliffs,  before reaching the settlement of Labubesi. After Labubesi, you shall ascent behind a rocky outcrop which opens up to the view of Budhi Gandaki valley and then climb down to the riverbed, traverse along rounded stones and again ascend to side ridge. The trail again descents to the riverbed and we head along to the Machha Khola village. Stay overnight in Machha Khola. 


               The ups and downs of hilly terrain continue today as well, as we trek further up in the trail. Following the yesterday’s trail we traverse on the same side of the Budhi Gandaki River with frequent ups and downs and across sandy river flats overlooked by the forest with Langur monkeys and other wildlife. Across the river of Tharo Khola we follow the rocky trail to Khorlabesi, a settlement with fewer houses, and after few more ups and rooms we reach to the natural hot water springs in Tatopani, water with natural minerals believed to alleviate some skin diseases. Marching ahead we climb to a ridge, cross Budhi Gandaki River on a suspension bridge, walk ahead through well crafted stone staircase and over another ridge to reach the settlement of Dobhan. Progress ahead in the trail across suspension bridge over Dobhan River, ascent onto Duman and to Yaru River via rugged trail before you cross the river and ascending to Tharo bhanjyang on stone stairs. Walk to the western side of Budhi Gandaki River, ascent to a ridge and along the same river we finally climb to the village of Jagat. Stay overnight in Jagat.


                 We have a relatively shorter trek today as a preparation before entrance into Tsum valley the following day. In the Manaslu Conservation Area Project office we have our trekking permits checked before beginning our uphill walk through the rocky ridge to reach Salleri village and then further ascent to the Sirdibas village. After a short walk you shall reach to the riverbed of small stream of Ghatte River and further ahead upstream you shall cross the Budhi Gandaki River over a suspension bridge to the other side. Then you shall make a climb to the settlement of Philim, a village known for large Gurung settlement, the school and police station made by Japanese and a checkpoint for entering into Tsum valley. Trek past the village to the north and navigate your ways through the forest to enter a narrowing valley and the settlement of Chisopani. Stay overnight in Chisopani.


                   Today we shall enter the much awaited Tsum valley as we trek across several settlements for Chumling village. Begin the trek with a gradual ascent to the village of Ekle Bhatti after which you shall cross deep gorge and move ahead in the right side past waterfall, into the pine forest and walk along the trail heading to Tsum valley. The ascent continues through pine and rhododendron forests and with the view of Himalchuli Peak (7893m) and Boudha Himal, we reach to Lokpa village. Ahead of this small village, our trail then descents to the riverbed of Lungwa River after a trek of half an hour, ascends through the twisting trails of strenuous nature to cross Sarti Gorge, navigates past areas prone to rock-fall and traverse through pine forest before reaching Gumlung. Now we shall cross the Siyar Khola, a glacial river, and climb for some time to reach Chumling village. Enjoy the view of Shringi Himal Peak before having overnight stay here. Overnight stay in Chumling village.


                     You shall very well feel the difference today onwards as you shall trek in the sacred Tsum valley. Trekking today starts with the hike to the suspension bridge across which we shall walk following the track of Syar River and the view of Ganesh Himal. We shall traverse through the cultivation land of maize and potatoes, classic Tibetan styled houses and a section of trail huge rock slip, the views of suspension bridges on the opposite bridges and beautiful Ripchet village perched on the hillside far above on the opposite side to reach Rainjam village. In and out of the conservation area for some section of the trail, we shall now cross the Serpu River, walk past the small settlement of Gho and trek ahead for couple of hours to reach Chokhangparo. On clear weather day, you shall have the view of Ganesh Himal and Himalchuli Peak. Stay overnight in Chokhangparo. 


                       Ahead of Chokhangparo we are well above 3000 meter and therefore be extra careful of the altitude sickness. You may hike north the village to a retreat where the child reincarnation of Lama Kongbhog resides and where Thar, a Himalayan rare wildlife is seen. Crossing over the suspension bridge through small villages and climb over a ridge of chortens, you reach the village of Lamagaon and to famous Rachen Gompa to which you shall make a short visit. Proceeding ahead in the trail, we shall cross the Shiar River and navigate past the well managed villages of Lar (micro hydropower), Phurbe and Pangdun. We now trek past the historical Buddhist stupa in the Chhule village, ascent upstream and cross the bridge to reach the settlement of Nile. En route you may also explore several old monasteries and gompas, and several heritages of Buddhism. Stay overnight in Nile. 


                         Today we shall have a short trek to the Mu Gompa. As we begin our trek from Nile village, we are inching closer to the Tibetan border. Through the rough terrain in this high altitude walk, we shall walk trek past micro hydropower plant, some Mani walls and alpine terrain with some small settlements such as Rolmi and Sengum. Ahead we shall cross a small glacial stream and join the trail leading to Mu Gompa past the Chho Syong. Get yourself proper rest and be well hydrated as you are trekking in higher altitude. Cherish the serene environment and marvel the beautiful sunset over the high hills and mountains. Stay overnight in the vicinity of Mu Gompa. 


                           Today we shall explore the ancient Mu Gompa and its surrounding, which is a beautiful landscape and scenic landscape. Pay visit to this ancient gompa which was established in 1895 A.D. and was restored in 1998 and get information on the rituals, customs and traditions followed, and the heritages preserved in this ancient pilgrimage. Mu Gompa is the largest gompa in the region. From the surrounding of Mu Gompa you shall have the beautiful views of landscape and the border with Tibet. Some trekkers may also consider a day hike to the base of Pika Peak (4865m) or make a climb to Kalung (3820m) or Bhajyo (4030m) and camp over there. From Mu Gompa, you can also see seasonal yak pastures, the majestic Lungdang Glacier and sky-piercing Himalayas.  Stay overnight near Mu Gompa.


                             From today on, we shall make our return trek from the ultimate destination of this adventure, deep into the Tsum valley of Manaslu region.  Being at higher altitude and a downhill walk, we shall trek down slowly and gradually to Burgi village. Across the glacial river and through the small settlements we reach to Nile village and then descent to the settlement of Chhule. Crossing over couple of small suspension bridges and navigating through interesting settlements of Pangdun and Phurbe, we reach Burgi village across the Shiar River. We shall now climb up to the Milarepa’s Cave, named after one of the most known Tibetan saint and poet who had practiced his activities in this cave. This cave also provides enthralling views of the Poshyop Glacier, Kipu Himal and Churke Himal. Stay overnight in Burgi village. 


                               The descent continues to the lower altitude of the trail as we start our trek from the Burgi village after breakfast. Through the settlements of Lamagaon and the greenery surrounding the trail, we descent to the settlement of Chhokang Paro. Further descent shall take us to the trail junction of and the bridge over the Sarpu River past the small settlement of Gho. Walking further along the trail along the lower Tsum valley, you shall reach to the destination for today, the settlement of Chumling. Stay overnight in Chumling.


                                 The trek from Chumling begins with the descent to the riverbed of Siyar River and to Lokpa village through the settlement of Gumlung, rock fall area and crossing over the Sarti gorge. Through the pine forest we descent to the Philim traversing the settlement of Ekle Bhatti and other hamlets, beautiful waterfall and lushness of the vegetation. This village also falls in route of the trail leading to the base camp of Ganesh Himal. Stay overnight in Philim after a long trekking. 


                                   The trek in today’s trekking trail is a complete descent with obvious ups and downs of trekking trails of hills. We start our trek with the green and terraced cultivation areas of Philim and then proceeds ahead along the path which follows the mighty Budhi Gandaki River. Through the settlements of Sirdibas, Salleri, Jagat and other settlements we traverse ahead and exit the Manaslu conservation area near Lhakpa, over a long suspension bridge. Descent further trough several interesting settlements, views of cool waterfall, Ganesh Himal Peak and crossing over suspension bridges to reach the natural hot water springs at Tatopani. Get rest here in the hot water of the natural springs and revitalize your tired body. After this rest, trek for sometime through landslide prone area and reach to Khorlabesi past the viewpoint of Ganesh Himal. Stay overnight in Khorlabesi. 


                                     Today is the last full day trekking of yours in this expedition where we have Soti Khola as our destination. We start our trek with crossing over the Tharo Khola River and continuing along the trail we shall pass through the greenery to reach the settlement of Machha Khola River. Cross the Budhi Gandaki River and with the north-east view of Ganesh Himal , move ahead along the trail through several villages, couple of waterfalls to reach the village of Laphubesi, a Gurung settlement. The trek further continues past couple of more waterfalls and along the trail on the side of a cliff before reaching Khursane village. Our destination of Soti Khola now is reached after trekking through sal forest and walking along a ridge above Budhi Gandaki River. Stay overnight in Soti Khola. 


                                       Today we shall have our last trekking day in the region after which the journey to Kathmandu shall begin. Beginning with the ascent to Kuerepani past a waterfall and a temple, we shall then have a descent to Arkhet past cascading waterfall. As we move ahead to Sante Bazaar through the forests and settlement of Mangaltar, we have already left the Budhi Gandaki valley. Further ahead in the trail, we pass the hydroelectricity power plant before reaching to the Arughat Bazaar. After packing our bags we embark on a journey to Kathmandu with marvelous views of the green hills and mountains, rural settlements and terraced cultivation lands with occasional glimpse of snowy peaks. Cherish the delicious cuisines and celebrate the successful completion of your adventure to the Tsum valley. Stay overnight in Kathmandu. 


                                         Your adventure in the Tsum valley comes to an end today. Considering the time available to you, go for some souvenir shopping for your near and dear ones. If you wish to extend your stay we shall be delighted to offer you the packages that matches your interest otherwise our representative shall escort you to the international airport for your onward destination as per your flight schedule.  We hope that you had a wonderful time and a memorable adventure in this beautiful nation, and hope to have you again for some other adventures in Nepal. 

                                        Dates & Availability
                                        Start DateEnd DateStatusPrice 
                                        Start DateStarts: WednesdayOct 23, 2024Group JoiningEnd DateEnds: SundayNov 03, 2024StatusStatusAvailablePricePriceUS$1425
                                        Start DateStarts: ThursdayOct 24, 2024Group JoiningEnd DateEnds: MondayNov 04, 2024StatusStatusAvailablePricePriceUS$1425
                                        Start DateStarts: WednesdayOct 30, 2024Group JoiningEnd DateEnds: SundayNov 10, 2024StatusStatusAvailablePricePriceUS$1425
                                        Start DateStarts: ThursdayOct 31, 2024Group JoiningEnd DateEnds: MondayNov 11, 2024StatusStatusAvailablePricePriceUS$1425
                                        Private Trip
                                        Travelers Review
                                        • paras v
                                          paras vCanada,March 27, 2024
                                          rating star

                                          Manaslu Tsum Valley Trek with Outshine Adventure !

                                          I have been in Nepal with my friends after talking to Gokul by email several times. After I decided to go with them for Manaslu circuit trekking including Tsum Valley, it was absolutely breathtaking experience trekking in Nepal! The majestic Himalayas, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality made every step memorable. Our guide Som was knowledgeable and ensured our safety throughout. Highly recommend for adventurers seeking unforgettable journeys!" We definitely come back again !

                                          Posted onTripAdvisor
                                        • Artur
                                          ArturPoland,December 26, 2023
                                          rating star

                                          Fabulous trek with Outshine Adventure

                                          In November/December 2023 me and my girlfriend spent wonderful three weeks (18 days of walk) on a trek (Manaslu Circuit + Tsum Valley) organized by Outshine Adventure. This was an amazing experience and the level of service and support we received from the agency and its staff exceeded our expectations. Everyone we dealt with was very friendly, helpful and professional. Before the trek, Gokul (the Director) each time patiently answered in clear manner all of my questions, Asmita (the Manager) took care of us when we arrvied in Kathmandu (always with smile on her face!) and checked every few days if we felt comfortable during the trek. Both our Guide (Chamar) and Porter (Prakash) were fantastic companions and this is really difficult to describe how much they added to our overall experience - we can't imagine how this could be better. They took care of us, adjusted to our needs, wishes and capabilities and showed us the beauty of Nepalese culture and environment. We spent hours having nice and informative conversations. Without any doubt we can recommend services of Outshine Adventure!

                                          Posted onTripAdvisor
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